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CATS and LaserGrade Test Emulation Modes?
Category: GroundSchool FAA Knowledge Test Prep

Question / Issue:
It's my understanding the Private Pilot Groundschool program will emulate CATS and LASERGRADE testing centers. I don't see a way of confirming/changing the emulation mode.

To switch to CATS, LaserGrade, and/or AvTest 2000 emulation modes, go to the screen in GroundSchool where you are actually working on answering questions. On the left side of the toolbar (that is, to the left of the "Grade" and "Exit" buttons roughly the middle of the way down the left side) there should be a drop-down "mode" box. CATS, LaserGrade, and AvTest 2000 emulation modes are selectable through this dropdown.

If you don't see a dropdown, but instead see a button that says 'full screen mode' or something similar then you have an older version ...

CATS and LaserGrade (and also AvTest 2000) emulation modes were added to the GroundSchool software in about November 2003. In order to have access to this, your version of GroundSchool must have been obtained after that time. Note: some CD-ROM versions were manufactured before this date and thus the emulation modes are not available directly from the version available on the CD. However, remember that no matter what version of our GroundSchool FAA test software you have, you can upgrade to the latest and greatest version free of charge either by using the built-in LiveUpdate feature or by downloading the software anew from the www.FAAtest.com website.