Have you looked through the Frequently Asked Questions? Most questions that people ask via this helpdesk
can be answered there. This is the quickest and best way for you to get an answer to your question, so be sure to do this first!
App Activation or Unlock Code Issue? Can't login? Unlock code doesn't seem to be working? Lost your code? Never received it? Mistyped your email address? The unlock code help wizard can help.
We're happy to hear from you!Please Write Your Message Below
You selected "General" or "undefined" as the product that you are having issues with.
Sometimes people omit telling us what product their ticket relates to which causes delays in the support process.
Are you sure that your question is of a general nature that does not relate to any particular product?
If not, click on 'No' to go back and select a specific product.
Your message seems really short - maybe too short. Sometimes, that's perfectly fine.
However, we've found that oftentimes when people write us very short messages, they have not provided us
with enough relevant information to really help them.
Specifically, messages that basically say 'It's not working' or 'I did everything it said and it's not working'
do not allow us to provide you with timely and accurate assistance to resolve the issue you may be experiencing.
If you're really sure that you have provided all relevant information (including, any unlock/activation codes or order numbers, if relevant)
and have clearly explained in sufficient detail the exact issue or problem that you are reporting,
click 'yes' to proceed to the next stage. Otherwise, click 'no' to go back to edit your message.
This system does not require you to enter an order number to submit a helpdesk ticket. If you wish, you can leave the field blank. However, it is very helpful if you do so if this is directly pertinent to your issue.
a product via the iOS (iTunes) or Mac App stores, your order number will typically but not always begin with "M" or "N".
a product via Google Play, your order number provided to you by Google will be like this one: GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567. Please make sure that you provide the whole order number. Occasionally, people only provide us with half of their Google Play order numbers.
via Amazon, your order number will be on your Amazon receipt.
via a third party vendor such as an FBO, 3rd party website, flight school, etc, it is unlikely that we will be able to provide order-related customer service on your issue. While we are of course happy to provide technical or other support for our products
here, if your question is really order related, please contact the vendor directly.
If there are several order numbers associated with your issue or if your order number does not fit in the space provided, you can put this information into the body of your ticket submission text.
If you mistyped your email address at the time of purchase, can't find your activation code or password, or need help activating our products, please visit the
Unlock Help Wizard.