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Product List

FAA Knowledge Test Prep Private Pilot through ATP + A&P

FAA Checkride Oral Exam Prep - Private through ATP

Instrument Approach Charts for Flight Simulator Use

EASA (JAA) ATPL/CPL/IR Theory Exam Prep

Transport Canada PSTAR/Private/INRAT Theory Exam Prep

UK CAA PPL/IMC Theory Exam Prep

Aircraft Type Recognition Tutor/Game

Electronic FAA FAR/AIM/PCG

FCC Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) and Commercial (GROL, GMDSS, etc) Exam Prep
Canada Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) Exam Prep

CAAC China ATPL Airline Pilot Theory Exam Preparation
Freebies and Other Items
free items that we've created and/or host for the betterment of
online aviation.
our popular (and free!) Better VFR XC Flight Planning Form
once and you'll never go back to playing in-flight origami with
the standard forms. "If you only take one piece of paper" on your
flight, take this one! well.. or a chart... or your certificate.
now, the first worthy companion to our VFR form, our IFR Flight
Planning / Enroute Form.
and handling notes for General Aviation aircraft. 
for serious flight simulator enthusiasts by Werner Schott. While
not suitable for real-world flight, these highly detailed checklists
can give the real-world pilot and idea of what to expect from the
real thing. |
a number of aviation books online. Great for training. |
Student? CFII? This is my method of visualizing holds that has helped
my students. Maybe it will help you too.. |
sure your passengers know what to expect when aboard your aircraft.
This safety card, generic to small aircraft, provides basic flight
safety and emergency information. |
aviation images for you to enjoy. |
it all goes wrong. Stuff to learn from. |
page illustrates the importance of conscientious checklist usage
in a novel way. Have a look. |
buying an aircraft? These spreadsheets will help you figure out
whether owning makes sense for you. |
or brush up on VOR navigation with this nifty Java applet by Tim
Carlson. |
are some commonly used mnemonics that pilots use to complement checklist
use for common tasks. |
"Personal POH" or "cheat sheet" that you can keep in
the cockpit to help you remember frequently forgotten items. |
pilots just starting out, this computes your scientifically determined
ideal hours to solo, in case thoughts of this figure were occupying
your mind in one form or another. |
to decode METAR and TAF aviation weather reports / forecasts. |
small but hopefully growing page of aviation humor |
Calculate True Airspeed from Indicated Airspeed, Altitude, Temperature, and Altimeter Setting |
a way to show your appreciation for and spread the word about Dauntless
Software. This page contains a number of images advertising our
site which you are free to add to your own web pages. |
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