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Updating RideReady
Category: RideReady FAA Checkride Oral Exam Prep

Question / Issue:
How do I update RideReady? Why are there two update links in RideReady?

RideReady is designed for you to easily be able to have the latest and greatest at all times.

If you look at the 'update' screen, you will see that there are two places to update.

The first way is to update DATA, including oral exam questions and answers. To make sure you have the latest questions and answers, select the test group (for example: Private / Rec pilot) by clicking on the option (radio) button next to that test group and then click on the update button. This will connect to the Internet and download the latest content as necessary.

The second update is for updating the PRORGRAM itself. Towards the bottom of the update screen there is a little underlined word "Update" next to the program and its version number. Should we even upgrade the main program itself, an update will be available by clicking on that link.

We recommend checking both the program and the data for updates from time to time and especially as soon as you get the software for the first time.