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How to Upgrade Five by Five to the latest version
Category: Five by Five FCC Exam Prep

Question / Issue:
How do I upgrade Five by Five to the latest available version?

There is no automatic update functionality within Five by Five. If/when a new version comes out, therefore, what you need to do is to simply download and install the newer version from our website. While strictly speaking it is not necessary to uninstall the old software before installing an updated version, the following is a good general outline of the steps to take.
  1. Exit Five by Five, if you have it running.
  2. Click on Start, Settings, then Control Panel. Find the Add/Remove Programs applet and use it to COMPLETELY REMOVE Five by Five from your system.
  3. Reboot your PC.
  4. Visit our website, www.HamExam.com.
  5. Find the download link for the Five by Five software. Click on it - the latest available version of the software will be available there. Download the software, install it on your PC.
  6. There! the latest and greatest version is now installed.
Registered Users: In some cases, after re-installation, the software may ask you again to unlock the software. You can do this using the same unlock code and information that you used the first time around. Your old unlock code will still be valid (unless it has been explicitly suspended for a terms of use violation or some other abnormality - this does not apply to most useres).