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RideReady program update doesn't work
Category: RideReady FAA Checkride Oral Exam Prep

Question / Issue:
Note: this question refers to the PROGRAM UPDATE - the action where you click on "Update" next to the version number at the bottom left of the update screen, NOT the "data update" where you check for updates for individual tests.

Help! I click on 'update' and it downloads the new program update and then exits. When I restart RideReady, the old version still appears.

Program Update does not work on all PCs. We are currently working on a fix for a future version to better support all users.

For now:

1. Look in the RIDEREADY folder on your hard drive (typically c:\program files\rideready\). You may see two .exe files there - RideReady.exe and RideReady_new.exe. RideReady_new.exe is the newly downloaded one. Carefully backup RideReady.exe to RideReady_old.exe (or a suitable name of your choice) and then rename RideReady_new.exe to RideReady.exe and see if that works.

2. If that doesn't work, or you're unable to do the steps above, please visit the RideReady homepage and download and install the new install package for the version of RideReady you are interested in. You can install it right over your current version. This should install the latest version of the program.