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FAQ > GroundSchool FAA Knowledge Test Prep
Basic, Advanced, and Instrument Ground Instructor (BGI, AGI, and IGI)

Are you asking about preparing for any of the following FAA Knowledge Tests?

  • Basic Ground Instructor (BGI)
  • Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI)
  • Instrument Ground Instructor (IGI)

If yes, then great! We have excellent preparation apps that can help you pass those tests.

Flight or Ground Instructor Test In Our GroundSchool Test Prep Title
  • Basic Ground Instructor (BGI)
  • Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI)
  • Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI)
  • Flight Instructor Airplane Initial and/or Added Rating
  • Flight Instructor Helicopter Initial and/or Added Rating
  • Flight Instructor Glider Initial and/or Added Rating
  • Flight Instructor Gyroplane Initial and/or Added Rating
  • etc.
GroundSchool Flight and Ground Instructor
  • INSTRUMENT Ground Instructor (IGI)
  • Flight Instructor INSTRUMENT Airplane (CFI-I-Airplane) Initial and/or Added Rating
  • Flight Instructor INSTRUMENT Helicopter (CFI-I-Heli) Initial and/or Added Rating
  • etc.
GroundSchool Instrument Rating (IFR)

BGI and AGI are part of our GroundSchool FAA CFI (Flight and Ground Instructor) test prep packages. What this means is that you should purchase the GroundSchool FAA Flight and Ground Instructor / CFI app for the platform of your choice (click on the link in the beginning of this paragraph to get started). Then, when the app starts, you will be presented with a list of flight and ground instructor tests. Among these will be AGI and BGI. Select the one you want from the list and study away (the app will then only show questions relevant to the test you choose).

IGI Instrument Ground Instructor is part of our GroundSchool FAA IFR (Instrument Rating) test prep package. It is NOT part of the CFI package. This is because the IGI questions are basically similar to the general FAA IFR questions. Please note that the prep for the INSTRUMENT flight instructor exams is also in the IFR package. To prepare for the IGI exam, get the IFR app for the platform of your choice (click on the link in the beginning of this paragraph) and then after you have downloaded and installed the app, select IGI as appropriate from the list of instrument tests that you will be presented with and study away.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if you want both BGI and AGI?
BGI and AGI are both in the GroundSchool - Flight and Ground Instructor Package. So, you just need to purchase it once and you can use it to study for both.

What if I want 'regular' airplane CFI and AGI?
As above. By the way - if you visit the GroundSchool CFI Flight and Ground Instructor page you can see the list of tests included in the app. Many smart flight instructor candidates take for example their Flight Instructor Airplane and AGI or BGI tests sequentially (right after another at the testing center on the same day) since the tests are very similar. Sure, it costs you an additional fee to the test center, but you walk out of there with that extra 'Ground Instructor' qualification to put on your resume. Likewise, Instrument Flight Instructor candidates could benefit from taking the Flight instructor instrument airplane and instrument ground instructor tests sequentially on the same visit to the testing center in the same way as, again, the tests are quite similar to one another. In fact, it's even possible to take the basic Instrument Rating - Airplane, Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane, and Instrument Ground Instructor tests sequentially. While the overlap in question content isn't 100% there, they are close enough that this is potentially not a bad strategy if you can plan that far ahead.

What about if I want AGI and IGI?
AGI is in the CFI package. IGI is in the Instrument package. This requires you to get two different apps/titles.

What about the Fundamentals of Instruction Exam (FOI)?
This test is required of some flight and ground instructor candidates. Prep for it is included in our GroundSchool - CFI (Flight and Ground Instructor) package.

What test should I take?
If you have questions regarding which test you should take given your experience and/or aviation/career goals, please contact your nearest FAA FSDO (Flight Standards District Office). It is the job of the FAA employees there to help you answer such questions and they are standing by ready, willing, and able to help you. Moreover, when you call them you are getting an answer from an official source - when you call them, make a record of your call and you will have 'official backing' for your decision. This is a much better strategy than asking us or any other private company for advice on this. As we want you to get the best and most accurate advice, we refer people with career / "which test" type questions to the FAA.

Which platform should I study on?
No matter which platform you choose, the learning content in each is exactly the same and we make updates available for all platform versions at exactly the same time. The user experience and feature set of our apps on each platform is similar, but is is also naturally tailored to the look and capabilities of each specific platform and device. There is no one "best" platform - they are all good apps and the platform you should choose depends on your personal preferences. Some people purchase our apps on multiple platforms for greater convenience and availability. However, due to policies set forth by the app stores (Google and Apple), each platform version is a separate purchase. Please also note that due to limitations imposed by Google, Amazon, and Apple, we are not necessarily able to offer the same "bundle" options on all platforms.

I don't understand what I am supposed to do on the page that you sent me to.
This message basically directs you to visit either the:

  • GroundSchool Flight and Ground Instructor page if you want to study for the BGI, AGI, or other non-instrument and non-sport-pilot flight and/or ground instructor exams or the Fundamentals of Instruction test
  • GroundSchool - IFR page if you want to study for the IGI or other instrument instructor tests.
Once you click on either of the links above, scroll down to the box in the middle of the screen where you will see it available for various platforms. From there, you can get the app as appropriate either (for PC) by downloading it directly via our website or for other platforms such as Android, Mac, and iPhone/iPad by getting it directly from the official app store for that platform.

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