Safelog features 34,707 airline and company logos
In order to make your user experience as pleasant as possible, Safelog
displays a number of graphics representing logos or similar images of
companies, airlines, flight schools, military services and units, aircraft
manufacturers, and other organizations.
Our use of such logos, and any names and trademarks associated with such use
does not imply and should not be construed as endorsement or direct
association of our products or services by the trademark-holding
Furthermore, such images are often of registered trademarks and similarly
recognized symbols even if registration marks such as ™ are not included
in the logo images.
Please look through the following to get an answer to most questions or
concernst that come up about the including, use, and formatting of such logos.
If you are unable to find an answer to your question, please contact us via
our helpdesk.
How does Safelog determine which logo to show for a given aircraft?
This is determined solely by the text of the 'Company/Organization/Airline'
field or by the inclusion of known aircraft registrations on related 'fleet
lists.' This may at times lead to some ambiguity--for example, if you enter
"United" as the organization, the system may decide that this is "United
Airlines" and not, for example, "United Express" or "United Technologies."
Therefore, please use a reasonably unambiguous name for the organization in
question especially if your organization is not the "most well known" user
of a given name. This is particularly true when it comes to abbreviations.
It shows the wrong logo for my company/airline/organization
Please follow the flowchart above. Additional info below.
There are a few types of ways for it to 'show the wrong logo.' Please
determine which applies to you:
In some cases, there is more than one organization that might be
identifiable via what you entered. A typical example is 'EAA', which is
both the abbreviation for the very large Experimental Aircraft
Association and the abbreviation used by the European Aviation Academy,
a large flight school. If you find yourself with an incorrect logo, try
entering a more specific set of text for the specific organization - for
example, type in 'European Aviation Academy' instead of 'EAA'. This is
particularly true when abbreviations and relatively generic names are
In some cases, it might not show a completely wrong logo and something
that really makes no sense. There are thousands and thousands of images
in our system, and we use a pretty sophisticated matching algorithm to
try to take into account variations of spelling and so forth, but
sometimes it gets it wrong. If this happens to you, please wait a bit
first as our staff may notice this on our own. If after some time you
suspect the system still has it wrong, please contact us via our
helpdesk with a very specific description (see the guidance in other
questions below) and we'll be happy to look into it.
In some cases, it might not show any logo at all, when you feel it
should. Sometimes, our designers have simply not gotten to this logo
yet. If you'd like to help them out, please send a note to our helpdesk
(though we do ask you to wait a few weeks if possible first).
If you feel that we are showing an out of date or unattractive logo for
your organization, please contact us as described below. Again, it helps
us immsensely if you provide us with specific information as to how you
feel we can make it better. This is especially true in the case of
smaller organizations where we might otherwise have difficulty finding
good information via the web.
The system seems to have information about my small organization ...
Our designers are able to see a live list of the various organizations that
users have entered for various related fields in Safelog and from there see
if we have a logo on file. If not, they can create them. Our designers do
NOT see who you are specifically nor do they see any specific flight or log
information associated with this, even if it occasionally might in some ways
be helpful to identify the exact organizations involved. We believe strongly
in the confidentiality of our users' data. Using simply the text provided,
our designers build logos from publicly avaialble sources, such as the web.
Again, nobody looks at your data specifially - the list of organizations is
simply looked at in aggregate and the process is completely anonymized.
Occasionally, when no logo can be found on the web or in other searches, our
designers create what they believe to be an attractive looking substitude
(having any "logo" rather than no logo will often make your user experience
of our product easier.)
No logo shows up for my organization.
First, please check to make sure you haven't misspelled it. The system
simply won't match "Brittish Airways", for example. Assuming that you
haven't misspelled it, well then there are two things to try. First, please
wait a short while to see if it doesn't come up automatically within a few
weeks. Our designers routinely scan the list of orgnaizations that users
have entered and try to detemine ones for which a logo is missing. However,
naturally, as the number of organizations that people have logged fights in
Safelog exceeds 10,000 and is growing every day, naturally smaller
organizatons including small flight schools tend to filter to the bottom of
the logos that we handle "organically." However, if a user explicitly
requests a logo, we will do our best to prioritize the creation of same. If
a logo first doesn't show up for you, first try spelling it
differently--"FlightSafety Int" might not be there, but "FlightSafety" and
"FlightSafety International" might work, for example. If you're pretty sure
it's not there, you can request that we integrate a specific logo into the
Additionally, we note that our designers 'queue' of logos to do is based
on the number of users of a given organization in the system. An easy way
to help ensure that your logo gets done is to invite anthoer pilot from
the organization to start using Safelog!
To explicitly request a logo to be made, please write to our helpdesk with
the following:
important that you tell us the exact spelling that you have attempted to
use in order to identify some airline/company/organization. For example,
if you just tell us "I don't see any logo for KLM!" we won't be able to
track this down as we certainly do have a logo in place if you type in
simply 'KLM'. Perhaps you should check your spelling or try an
alternative spelling?
A description of exactly how your organization is listed in your copy of
Safelog ("PuddleJumper Charters, Ltd"). If the name is particularly
generic ("Tom's Flying Service") we may have trouble as there may be
more than one organization with an exact name, so in that case
implementation of a logo may be problematic.
If possible, a web link (url) to the exact logo to be used (or for the
logo image that we use to be based on, as we may need to resize it).
If that's not possible, a web link (url) to the homepage of the
organization in question.
If you happen to be part of an organization and are capable of creating
or providing logos yourself, this would be a great help to us. As of
this writing, we are looking for logos of size 127x32, so if you happen
to be able to create a logo of exactly this size, that would be super
and much appreciated. Please let us know where to download this after
you have created it. For now, JPG (jpeg) only please.
The logo shown is out of date
Please contact us as above via our helpdesk with guidance on what you
suggest changing it to and we'll be happy to do our best to correct this.
The logo shown is "too new."
For the time being, we are only keeping one logo per organzation. We will
strive to keep the current or as current as reasonably possible logo for any
given organization. This may result in cases where your old logbook entries
have a logo associated that is too modern for the aircraft at the time you
flew it. While we appreciate that we'd like to have historic logos as well,
for now, the act of maintainig such a historical list of logos is a bit
beyond our purview as we must concentrate on 'core' features first. We may
change this in the future, but for now, we thank you for your understanding.
I find the logos annoying / it keeps giving me the wrong logo / I don't like
this system / etc.
Go to 'setup' under 'Airline Options' (or something similar) and you will
see the option to turn off these logos entirely. Your underlying textual
description of the company/organization will be shown instead.
The logos do not appear in printed versions of the logbook
Yes, the logos appear only onscreen. They do not appear in the printed
I flew the aircraft in question for more than one organization, after, for
example, a merger
For particularly large or significant airline mergers, try entering the
company for that aircraft as A/B such as USAirways/American Airlines where
"B" is the newer. We may have already created a "joint" logo for such cases,
and, if not, try contacting us as above with a clear description and we'll
see if we can do this.
We have a non-English logo
In order to facilitate the greatest number of users, we will generally use
the English-language logo when possible. However, sometimes this will
differ. If have a non-English-language logo for your organization, please
contact us as above letting us know where we can get an English-laguage one.
If we have an English-language one, however we will probably not like to
switch to an non-English-language one unless a request comes in from either
the organization itself or somebody who with some legitimacy can claim to
speak for a large percentage of pilots at that organization. Please remember
that, for example, in the case of Chinese carriers many western pilots have
flown for Chinese carriers and thus it is probably better if we stick to the
English-language logo in such cases where possible.
I am a legally authorized representative of a given company and object to
the use of our logo
Please contact us via our helpdesk with a request and we'll remove it. We
hope you don't ask this, as really, it's just there to make life easier for
our users, and most of the logos we use are readily available throughout the
Internet, but we will certainly remove this upon request by an authorized
To our users, thank you again for using Safelog, and, to our potential users,
we hope that you will join the community of Safelog users soon.
Thank you for reading!

The Safelog Team
Dauntless Aviation