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FAQ > Safelog Pilot Logbook
What is the SafelogWeb.com website?

SafelogWeb is a web-based pilot logbook system which is accessed through www.SafelogWeb.com. By "web based," we mean that you access SafelogWeb through the web browser on your desktop computer, laptop, or portable device.

Since it is a web-based service, there is no client or app software for you to install. Rather, you just log into the website and your data is there. Of course, you can install our Mac, PC, iOS, or Android client apps/software on your program if you'd like, but if you're in a place like a hotel where this is impractical or if you just don't want to deal with installing software or apps, SafelogWeb works great too. Some people use the Safelog system for years without ever logging in to SafelogWeb.com. Some use only SafelogWeb.com. It's really totally and completely up to you.

As a practical matter, SafelogWeb (or rather, our back-end cloud server farms that are the engines behind the whole Safelog system) also serve as the "synchronization hub" for your logbook data. So, for example, let's say you have Safelog on an iPad and on your PC. When you log a flight on your iPad and then click 'sync', this will cause the new flight to be sent to our SafelogWeb servers. Then, when you start Safelog on your PC and click sync there, it will recognize that the new flight has appeared and will grab it down and add it to your PC logbook.

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