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FAQ > GroundSchool FAA Knowledge Test Prep
Number of Questions in GroundSchool vs. FAA?

This pertains primarily to our GroundSchool FAA Written Test Prep Software and Apps.

>> To see the exact number of questions that we have for each test, click here. <<<

Do we appear to have MORE or FEWER questions than you have been led to believe is correct for a given test?


I saw an FAA PDF document on the internet that had (for example) 512 questions for a given test, but your test bank shows more (for example 954). If I use GroundSchool, will I be studying too many questions?

Our app has it just right. The PDFs that the FAA publishes generally have an incomplete, sample only test bank that does not reflect the totality of the questions that you might be asked. If you study using only the FAA PDF (which by the way doesn't have correct answers and explanations, as our prep certainly does), you will most likely be studying far less than is required and will almost certainly not be ready to pass the test. The FAA no longer releases the full test banks via its website.


I saw an FAA PDF document on the internet that had (for example) 413 questions, but your test bank shows fewer (for example, 341).

Again, our app has it just right. If we appear to have fewer questions for a given test than you've seen in some FAA or other list or PDF, then what you're likely looking at is a document containing an entire test bank which has not yet been filtered down into individual tests. For example, you might be looking at a document that has both airplane and helicopter questions mixed together while you're only looking at airplane questions in our app. In GroundSchool, the questions are carefully sorted (filtered) so that you only study the questions that apply to your exact test. So therefore, in this example, of the 413 questions in the bank, only a subset of those apply to your particular test. This doesn't mean that 341 questions necessarily come from the 413 in the PDF. it could be, for example, that 200 come from the PDF and another 141 come to us from the question list that the FAA does not publicly release via its website.

Bottom Line: Our GroundSchool FAA knowledge preps are the best and most comprehensive knowledge test preps out there and feature correctly filtered, representative FAA question sets fully compatible with and compliant to FAA Airman Certification Standards. Other test preps may try to lure you in with nonsense claims about the number of questions but your key focus should be on comparing depth of content, proven track record, and polished and user experience, where we come out way ahead in any serious comparison.