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FAQ > Name That Plane
Certificate Printing / Viewing

After you successfully complete the Captain's Challenge, you are given the opportunity in the 'question review' screen to view/print your completion certificate. This requires Adobe Acrobat reader or a similar program to be installed on your PC that can read .PDF files.

Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free (search for it on google) and is installed on most people's PCs.

If the view/print process did not work for you, then you can in many cases still recover the .pdf file that is your certificate.

Look in the folder on your PC where you have Name That Plane installed. For example, it may be c:\program files\namethatplane\. There, you should see a .PDF file corresponding to your certificate. It will be named CERTIFICATE_JOHN_SMITH.pdf (if your name is John Smith, of course). You can view this normally.

If this file is not there, then either:

  • You didn't actually pass the Captain's Challenge
  • Your PC does not have the right permissions set, and so the certificate could not be output. Please look under 'vista' in this helpdek to find out more about setting your system permissions properly. Unfortunately, if this is the case you will need to take the Captain's Challenge again. That said, this is an unlikely scenario, as you are unlikely to have gotten this far in the program with your permissions set wrong.