Our GroundSchool Canada Written Exam preparation materials are available for Microsoft Windows™ PCs, Apple Macs, iPhone™, iPad™, and compatible devices, and Android™ devices.
No matter which platform you choose, the learning content in each is exactly the same and we make updates available for all platform versions at exactly the same time.
The user experience and feature set of our apps on each platform is similar, but is is also naturally tailored to the look and capabilities of each specific platform and device. There is no one "best" platform - they are
all good apps and the platform you should choose depends on your personal preferences. Some people purchase our apps on multiple platforms for greater convenience and availability. However, due to
policies set forth by the app stores (Google and Apple), each platform version is a separate purchase.
Please select the platform version that you'd like:
Click here for the Microsoft Windows™ PC Apps
Click here for the iPhone™ / iPad™ Apps (via the iTunes AppStore™)
Click here for the Apple Mac™ Apps (via the Apple Mac AppStore™)
Click here for the Android™ Apps (via the Android Market™)