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Product Activation Help Wizard
I can help solve most of the issues that users have in unlocking our software/apps or accessing other paid-for products. I can help you with Safelog Pilot Logbook login and sync issues too. I can also help solve many other technical and non-technical issues. Thank you for letting me try to help you.
First - are you in possession of the unlock code (sometimes known as a keycode, registration code, or serial number), and/or username/password for the software or product in question?
Yes! I have my keycode (... but am now having some problem).
No, I don't think I have my keycode or I'm not sure.
I lost or misplaced my keycode
I am having trouble logging in / syncing the Safelog Pilot e-Logbook
How do I install/unlock the software on my new PC / my second PC?
I want to be shown step by step how to unlock / access the software.
I want to update the name, email address, company name, address, phone number, etc. associated with my account.