ATPL Meteorology
test bank contains questions pertaining to
050-10-03 Information for flight planning
. The following list contains only a relatively small percentage of the pertinent
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test bank.
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Sample Questions
from the EASA ATPL
Test Bank |
- (Refer to figure 050-049)The temperature at FL 240 overhead London will be:
- Refer to the following TAF extract: BECMG 1821 2000 BKN004 PROB30 BECMG 2124 0500 FG VV001 What does the BECMG data indicate for the 18 to 21 hour time frame?
- Which of the four answers is a correct interpretation of data from the following METAR? 16003KT 0400 R14/P1500 R16/1000N FZFG VV003 M02/M02 Q1026 BECMG 2000 =
- A METAR from an airfield reporting visibility 8 km. Added to the report is a BECMG 4000. From this you will expect the visibility to:
- The TAF validity in terms of time is usually:
- In the weather briefing room during the pre-flight phase of a passenger flight from Zurich to Rome, you examine the following weather reports of pressing importance at the time: EINN SHANNON 2808 sigmet 2 valid 0800/1100 loc sev turb fcst einn fir blw fl 050 south of 53n wkn = LIMM MILANO 2809 sigmet 2 valid 0900/1500 mod sev cat btn fl 250 and fl 430 fcst limm fir stnr nc = EGLL LONDON 2808 sigmet nr01 valid 0800/1200 for london fir isol cb embd in lyr cloud fcst tops fl 300 btn 52n and 54n east of 002e sev ice sev turb ts also fcst mov e wkn = Which decision is correct?
- VRB, BR and = mean respectively:FT1756 KEWR 291715Z 291818 04010KT 1 1/2SM -RA BR OVC003TEMPO1824 1/2SM -RADZ FG VV001BECMG2224 VRB03KTFM0800 29010KT 2SM BR OVC008TEMPO 0814 3SM BR OVC012FM1400 30013G23KT P6SM SCT012 OVC025TEMPO 1416 4SM -SHSN BR BKN012FM1600 30017G32KT P6SM BKN 035 PROB30 1618 4SM -SHSN BR=
- (Refer to figure 050-064)What is the mean temperature deviation from ISA for the Frankfurt - Roma route?
- What does the abbreviation nosig mean?
- SIGMETs are issued as a warning of weather conditions hazardous to which aircraft?
- Runway visual range can be reported in:
- The following are included in supersonic level SIGMETS:
- SIGMET information is issued as a warning for significant weather to:
- The surface wind is given by Air Traffic Control as 300° /40 kts and variation at the airfield is 20° W. Runway 24 is in use; what is the headwind component and the direction of the crosswind component?
- If CAVOK is reported then:
- How is the cloud base reported in a METAR?
- (Refer to figure 050-029)Which airport, at 1200 UTC, has the lowest probability of precipitation?
- (Refer to figure 050-060)What is the optimum flight level between Rome and Paris according to the significant weather chart?
- Refer to TAF below. EGBB 261812 28015G25KT 9999 SCT025 TEMPO 1822 29018G35KT 5000 SHRASN BKN010CB PROB30 TEMPO 1821 1500 TSGR BKN008CB BECMG 2124 26010 KT From the TAF above you can assume that visibility at 2055Z in Birmingham (EGBB) will be:
- Cloud bases in TAFs and METARs are given in:
- What conditions have to be met amongst others, that the weather is reported to be CAVOK?
- Given the following METAR: EDDM 250850Z 33005KT 2000 R26R/P1500N R26L/1500N BR SCT002 OVC003 05/05 Q1025 NOSIG
- Which of the statements is true concerning squall lines?
- TAF LSZH 1322 22018G35KT 9999 SCT012 BKN030 BECMG 1315 25025G45KT BECMG 1820 4000 RA BKN025 BECMG 2022 25015KT T1815Z T1618Z = Which statement is true at 15 UTC?
- Which of these four METAR reports suggests that rain is most likely in the next few hours?
- EHAM 120600Z 02025KT 3000 RA BKN005 OVC015 11/10 Q1012= Which of the following is the correct decode for the Amsterdam METAR?
- (Refer to figure 050-048)On which of these routes would you not have to worry about turbulence at FL 340?
- (Refer to figure 050-016)At DELHI (VIDP) when might thunderstorms be expected?
- A SIGMET is:
- Which of the following phenomena can produce a risk of aquaplaning?
- A SIGMET message concerns:
- Which of the following METARs, written at 1850UTC, will most likely give fog formation over the coming night?
- EGCC 150820Z VRB03KT 3500N FU SKC 08/07 Q1024 TEMPO 0800 BCFGWhat type of weather message is this?
- (Refer to figure 050-048)Over Amsterdam, what amount and general type of cloud would you expect at FL 160?
- Marseille Information gives you the following meteorological information for Ajaccio and Calvi for 16:00 UTC:Ajaccio: wind 360° /2 kt, visibility 2000 m, rain, BKN stratocumulus at 1000 FT, OVC altostratus at 8000 FT, QNH 1023 hPa. Calvi: wind 040° /2 kt, visibility 3000 m, mist, FEW stratus at 500 FT, SCT stratocumulus at 2000 FT, OVC altostratus at 9000 FT, QNH 1023 hPa. The ceilings (more than 4 oktas) are therefore:
- Which of the following weather reports could be, in accordance with the regulations, abbreviated to CAVOK?
- Refer to the following TAF for Zurich. LSZH 061019 20018G30KT 9999 -RA SCT050 BKN080 TEMPO 23012KT 6000 -DZ BKN015 BKN030 BECMG 1518 23020G35KT 4000 RA OVC010= The lowest cloud base forecast at ETA Zurich (1200 UTC) is:
- In the following METAR: METAR YUDO 1630Z 24015KMH 0600 R12/1000U FG DZ SCT010 17/16 Q1018:
list above contains 1/4 or less of the actual number of questions
and may not be up to date! Download the software today to get
access to all available questions. |
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test bank, click here.
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