ATPL Human Performance and Limitations
test bank contains questions pertaining to
040-02-01 Basics of flight physiology part 1
. The following list contains only a relatively small percentage of the pertinent
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the questions of the
Human Performance and Limitations
test bank.
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EASA ATPL Theory Test Prep Software
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Sample Questions
from the EASA ATPL
Human Performance and Limitations
Test Bank |
- TUC following loss of pressurisation at 35.000 ft is:
- Which component(s) is/are transporting the oxygen in the blood?
- The time between inadequate oxygen supply and incapacitation is called TUC (Time of Useful Consciousness).It
- After a rapid decompression at an altitude of 30 000 ft the first action of the pilot shall be:
- The following statements are true except:
- The partial pressure of the respiratory gases within the pulmonary alveoli is
- A smoker of 20 cigarettes a day at height will suffer from Anaemic Hypoxia and will have a raised carboxy- haemoglobin level of about 7%. He/she will start to suffer from Hypoxia approximately 4 - 5,000 ft below that of a non-smoker.
- A healthy young subject should have the following lung volumes
- What is the Time of Useful Consciousness for a rapid decompression at 25.000 ft?
- The following statement about ozone is false:
- Some hours after a rapid decompression at FL 300 you experience pain in the joints. Which of following answers is correct?
- How much of the air is occupied by nitrogen?
- With reference to humidity:40 - 60% is optimal,Cabin humidity is normally approx 30%,Dehydration will affect crew performance,Humidity has no effect on crew performance,
- Which of the following symptoms can indicate the beginning of hypoxia?Blue lips and finger nails.Euphoria.Flatulence.Unconsciousness.
- Which of the following statements, if any, are correct?Euphoria is a possible result of hypoxiaEuphoria can lead to degraded decisions in flight
- Cardiac output is:
- The chemical composition of the earths atmosphere (ICAO standard atmosphere) is:
- Hyperventilation is due to an excessive rate of breathing and can produce the following symptoms:
- The temperature lapse rate:
- To maintain sea level conditions at 25.000 ft, the percentage of oxygen breathing is:
- Why is hypoxia especially dangerous for pilots flying solo:
- Air at an altitude of 18.000 feet contains, approximately:
- If someone hyperventilates due to stress his blood will get:
- To overcome the symptoms of hyperventilation, a pilot should:
- The heart muscle is supplied with blood from:
- You should not dispense blood without prior information from your flight surgeon. The most important reason for this advise is:
- The following may occur during gradual depressurisation between 12.000 and 18.000 ft:
- The momentum of gas exchange in respiration is:
- When oxygen is being transferred from the blood into the tissues and carbon dioxide from the body cells into the blood, it is called:
- A pressurized cabin helps to prevent:decompression sicknessthe problem of expansion of gases in the intestineshypoxiacoronary disease
- Which of the following statements are correct?Modern aircraft allow for 50 - 60% relative humidity in the cabin air under any conditions of flight, which is satisfactory for the body.Thirst is a belated symptom of dehydration.Dehydration may lead to clinical manifestations such as dizziness and fatigue.Drinking excessive quantities of water must be avoided since resistance to periods of low hydration will otherwise be lost.
- Which of the following symptoms could a pilot get, when he is subjected to hypoxia?Fatigue.Euphoria.Lack of concentration.Pain in the joints.Sensation of suffocation.
- The normal arterial blood-pressure of a healthy adult is (systolic/diastolic):
- Saturation of oxygen in the blood at sea level is 98%. This saturation decreases with:decreasing air pressurecarbon monoxide poisoningincreasing altitudeincreasing air pressure
- Which is the procedure to be followed when symptoms of decompression sickness occur?
- Breathing 100% will lift the pilots physiological safe altitude to approximately:
- The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the alveoli is:
list above contains 1/4 or less of the actual number of questions
and may not be up to date! Download the software today to get
access to all available questions. |
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Human Performance and Limitations
test bank, click here.
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