Airline Transport Pilot
test bank contains questions pertaining to
CFR Part 91 - Operations and Flight Rules
. The following list contains only a relatively small percentage of the pertinent
questions. Our software, which you are free to download now at no cost, will
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test bank. This list is intended only to familiarize you in a general way with
the questions of the
Airline Transport Pilot
test bank.
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Sample Questions
from the FAA
Airline Transport Pilot
Test Bank |
(Refer to appendix 2, figure 128.)
What is the minimum in-flight visibility and distance from clouds required in VFR conditions above clouds at 13,500 feet MSL (above 1,200 feet AGL) during daylight hours for the circle 2 area?
(Refer to appendix 2, figure 128.)
What is the minimum in-flight visibility and distance from clouds required for an airplane operating less than 1,200 feet AGL under special VFR during daylight hours in the circle 5 area?
- Which publication includes information on operations in the North Atlantic (NAT) Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications Airspace?
- Which operational requirement must be observed when ferrying an air carrier airplane when one of its three turbine engines is inoperative?
- A pilot is flying in IFR weather conditions and has two-way radio communications failure. What altitude should be used?
- When takeoff minimums are not prescribed for a civil airport, what are the takeoff minimums under IFR for a three-engine airplane?
- Which entry shall be recorded by the person performing a VOR operational check?
- What action should be taken when a pilot is "cleared for approach" while being radar vectored on an unpublished route?
- When may ATC request a detailed report on an emergency even though a rule has not been violated?
- What is the maximum indicated airspeed a reciprocating-engine-powered airplane may be operated within Class B airspace?
- At what maximum indicated airspeed can a reciprocating-engine airplane operate in the airspace underlying Class B airspace?
- During a VOT check of the VOR equipment, the course deviation indicator centers on 356� with the TO/FROM reading FROM. This VOR equipment may
- Information obtained from flight data and cockpit voice recorders shall be used only for determining
- If the weather forecasts require the listing of an alternate airport on an IFR flight, the airplane must carry enough fuel to fly to the first airport of intended landing, then to the alternate, and fly thereafter for a minimum of
(Refer to appendix 2, figures 173, and 173A.)
The PIC of PTZ 70 has less than 100 hours of PIC time in the BE 1900. Due to BUF weather being 100 feet, 1/4 mile in blowing snow, which is below landing minimums, the PIC requested and received clearance to SYR, the filed alternate. Under Part 135 what are the PIC's minimums at SYR for the ILS RWY 10?
- The maximum indicated airspeed that an aircraft may be flown in Class B airspace, after departing the primary airport, while at 1,700 feet AGL and 3.5 nautical miles from the airport is
- Which operational requirement must be observed by a commercial operator when ferrying a large, three-engine, turbojet-powered airplane from one facility to another to repair an inoperative engine?
- According to FAR Part 91, when takeoff minimums are not prescribed for a civil airport, what are the takeoff minimums under IFR for a multiengine helicopter?
- What action should be taken if one of the two VHF radios fail while IFR in controlled airspace?
- The visibility criteria for a particular instrument approach procedure is RVR 40. What minimum ground visibility may be substituted for the RVR value?
- In addition to the localizer, glide slope, marker beacons, approach lighting, and HIRL, which ground components are required to be operative for a Category II instrument approach to a DH below 150 feet AGL?
- If the weather forecasts do not require the listing of an alternate airport on an IFR flight, the airplane must carry sufficient fuel to fly to the destination airport and
- Unless otherwise prescribed, what is the rule regarding altitude and course to be maintained by a helicopter during an off-airways IFR flight over non-mountainous terrain?
- An alternate for a destination airport (circling not authorized) is not required if, for at least 1 hour before and after the ETA, the required visibility exits, and the forecast ceiling is at least
(Refer to appendix 2, figures 173, and 173A.)
The PIC of PTZ 70 has less than 100 hours of PIC time in the BE 1900. Due to BUF weather being 100 feet, 1/4 mile in blowing snow, which is below minimums, the PIC requested and received clearance to SYR, the filed alternate. Under Part 135 what are the PIC's minimums at SYR for the ILS RWY 10?
list above contains 1/4 or less of the actual number of questions
and may not be up to date! Download the software today to get
access to all available questions. |
more information about the
Airline Transport Pilot
test bank, click here.
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