The price to activate GroundSchool for Microsoft Windows PCs - Remote / Drone Pilot is $59.99.
Loyalty Bonus: If you're one of the many satisfied existing users one of our GroundSchool FAA written test prep titles PC and are now ready to study for your next FAA knowledge test,
we'd like to say thank you and welcome back with a $5 loyalty discount*. Click here to claim this prior-user discount.
Existing GroundSchool FAA PC Software User Loyalty Discount
If you're an existing user of our GroundSchool FAA Windows PC Apps, we'd like to express our thanks for your loyalty and say 'welcome back' by offering you a discount on this purchase.
However, we need to verify your eligibility for this discount. Please enter your email address and the activation code for ANY FAA GroundSchool PC product that you have
purchased from us previously below. If you can't find your activation code, please visit our helpdesk and find the links to the automated keycode recovery mechanism.
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* the discount is only available at the time of purchase (in other words, right now) and must be claimed through this screen.
If you do not take advantage of the discount via this page but are an existing registered user, you will NOT be eligible to receive
this discount as a refund at a later time. This discount is available only to existing registered users of our GroundSchool for PC software with accounts in good standing
and applies only to those purchasing an additional single-test bank unlock code. This loyalty discount may not be combined with other offers, discounts, or promotions and is subject
to revision or withdrawl in the future.
This information is for those of you who are having trouble getting the above loyalty bonus system to work for them.
First off, please let us thank you for using our apps.
In order to claim the discount for this additional purchase, you must have two things handy:
- Your unlock code from your previous purchase of GroundSchool FAA written test prep software for PC and
- Your email address.
It should be a straightforward matter of typing in this unlock code and your email address into the boxes provided to activate the discount.
However, since you're reading this, we're guessing that something didn't go smoothly. If you want to claim this discount, it is very important that you get this resolved before purchase,
as discounts cannot be granted retroactively.
Here are the most common reasons why people have trouble:
- Reason 1: maybe you are not typing in your unlock code correctly. An unlock code will typically look like this: X-XXX-XXXXX-XXXX where each X is a letter or number. You need to copy this exactly as it was given to you before, taking special care not to confuse the letter O with the number 0, the letter I with the number 1, and so forth.
- Reason 2: You are trying to use a code for something other than our GroundSchool FAA written test prep software for PC. ONLY a GroundSchool FAA written test prep software for PC code is valid here. This means that your unlock code for RideReady checkride oral exam prep software, GroundSchool for iOS/Mac/Android/Audio, Safelog pilot logbook software, GroundSchool Canada pilot written test prep software, or anything else will not work.
- Reason 3: You have a valid GroundSchool FAA for PC unlock code, but did not use it yet. In order to claim the discount, you must have actually used your unlock code to unlock the software. This will typically be a problem only if you just purchased the software. The solution is to start the software on your PC, use the unlock code to actually activate the software, and then return here to use the same unlock code for your discount.
- Reason 4: You have entered an incorrect or unrecognized email address either now or in the past. Perhaps you are indeed entering your email address correctly now, but the problem is that previous you entered it incorrectly, so the system can not match it up.
If, after hearing these reasons, you think that you are entitled to a discount but still can't get it to work, please contact our helpdesk.
There, you need to carefully and exactly explain the situation, including telling us what email address and unlock code you are attempting to use. We'll be happy to help.
Thank you, and good luck in all of your aviation goals!
Ready to try again? Click here.
Purchases made via our website are made via FastSpring. Your credit card statement will show FS*DAUNTLESS or something similar. | |